
导出 NebulaGraph 数据

本文以一个示例说明如何使用 Exchange 将 NebulaGraph 中的数据导出到 CSV 文件中。


仅企业版 Exchange 支持导出 NebulaGraph 数据到 CSV 文件。


本示例在 Linux 系统的虚拟机环境下完成,导出数据前准备的软硬件信息如下。


类型 信息
CPU 4 Intel(R) Xeon(R) Platinum 8260 CPU @ 2.30GHz
内存 16G
硬盘 50G


CentOS 7.9.2009


名称 版本
JDK 1.8.0
Hadoop 2.10.1
Scala 2.12.11
Spark 2.4.7
NebulaGraph 3.2.0


在本示例中,作为数据源的 NebulaGraph 存储着 basketballplayer 数据集,其中的 Schema 要素如下表所示。

要素 名称 属性
Tag player name string, age int
Tag team name string
Edge type follow degree int
Edge type serve start_year int, end_year int


  1. NebulaGraph 企业版套餐 中获取企业版 Exchange 的 JAR 文件。

  2. 修改配置文件。

    企业版 Exchange 提供了导出 NebulaGraph 数据专用的配置文件模板export_application.conf,其中各配置项的说明参见 Exchange 配置。本示例使用的配置文件核心内容如下:

      # Processing tags
      # There are tag config examples for different dataSources.
      tags: [
        # export NebulaGraph tag data to csv, only support export to CSV for now.
          name: player
          type: {
            source: Nebula
            sink: CSV
          # the path to save the NebulaGrpah data, make sure the path doesn't exist.
          # if no need to export any properties when export NebulaGraph tag data
          # if noField is configured true, just export vertexId
          # define properties to export from NebulaGraph tag data
          # if return.fields is configured as empty list, then export all properties
          # nebula space partition number
      # Processing edges
      # There are edge config examples for different dataSources.
      edges: [
        # export NebulaGraph tag data to csv, only support export to CSV for now.
          name: follow
          type: {
            source: Nebula
            sink: CSV
          # the path to save the NebulaGrpah data, make sure the path doesn't exist.
          # if no need to export any properties when export NebulaGraph edge data
          # if noField is configured true, just export src,dst,rank
          # define properties to export from NebulaGraph edge data
          # if return.fields is configured as empty list, then export all properties
          # nebula space partition number
  3. 使用如下命令导出 NebulaGraph 中的数据。

    <spark_install_path>/bin/spark-submit --master "local" --class com.vesoft.nebula.exchange.Exchange nebula-exchange-x.y.z.jar_path> -c <export_application.conf_path>


    $ ./spark-submit --master "local" --class com.vesoft.nebula.exchange.Exchange \
      ~/exchange-ent/nebula-exchange-ent-3.0.0.jar -c ~/exchange-ent/export_application.conf
  4. 检查导出的数据。

    1. 查看目标路径下是否成功生成了 CSV 文件。

      $ hadoop fs -ls /vertex/player
      Found 11 items
      -rw-r--r--   3 nebula supergroup          0 2021-11-05 07:36 /vertex/player/_SUCCESS
      -rw-r--r--   3 nebula supergroup        160 2021-11-05 07:36 /vertex/player/    part-00000-17293020-ba2e-4243-b834-34495c0536b3-c000.csv
      -rw-r--r--   3 nebula supergroup        163 2021-11-05 07:36 /vertex/player/    part-00001-17293020-ba2e-4243-b834-34495c0536b3-c000.csv
      -rw-r--r--   3 nebula supergroup        172 2021-11-05 07:36 /vertex/player/    part-00002-17293020-ba2e-4243-b834-34495c0536b3-c000.csv
      -rw-r--r--   3 nebula supergroup        172 2021-11-05 07:36 /vertex/player/    part-00003-17293020-ba2e-4243-b834-34495c0536b3-c000.csv
      -rw-r--r--   3 nebula supergroup        144 2021-11-05 07:36 /vertex/player/    part-00004-17293020-ba2e-4243-b834-34495c0536b3-c000.csv
      -rw-r--r--   3 nebula supergroup        173 2021-11-05 07:36 /vertex/player/    part-00005-17293020-ba2e-4243-b834-34495c0536b3-c000.csv
      -rw-r--r--   3 nebula supergroup        160 2021-11-05 07:36 /vertex/player/    part-00006-17293020-ba2e-4243-b834-34495c0536b3-c000.csv
      -rw-r--r--   3 nebula supergroup        148 2021-11-05 07:36 /vertex/player/    part-00007-17293020-ba2e-4243-b834-34495c0536b3-c000.csv
      -rw-r--r--   3 nebula supergroup        125 2021-11-05 07:36 /vertex/player/    part-00008-17293020-ba2e-4243-b834-34495c0536b3-c000.csv
      -rw-r--r--   3 nebula supergroup        119 2021-11-05 07:36 /vertex/player/    part-00009-17293020-ba2e-4243-b834-34495c0536b3-c000.csv
    2. 检查 CSV 文件内容,确定数据导出成功。

最后更新: February 3, 2023