导出 NebulaGraph 数据¶
Exchange 支持将 NebulaGraph 中的数据导出到 CSV 文件或另一个图空间(不同 NebulaGraph 集群也支持)中。本文介绍具体的操作步骤。
仅企业版 Exchange 支持导出 NebulaGraph 数据。
本示例在 Linux 系统的虚拟机环境下完成,导出数据前准备的软硬件信息如下。
类型 | 信息 |
CPU | 4 Intel(R) Xeon(R) Platinum 8260 CPU @ 2.30GHz |
内存 | 16G |
硬盘 | 50G |
CentOS 7.9.2009
名称 | 版本 |
JDK | 1.8.0 |
Hadoop | 2.10.1 |
Scala | 2.12.11 |
Spark | 2.4.7 |
NebulaGraph | 3.4.2 |
在本示例中,作为数据源的 NebulaGraph 存储着 basketballplayer 数据集,其中的 Schema 要素如下表所示。
要素 | 名称 | 属性 |
Tag | player |
name string, age int |
Tag | team |
name string |
Edge type | follow |
degree int |
Edge type | serve |
start_year int, end_year int |
从 NebulaGraph 企业版套餐 中获取企业版 Exchange 的 JAR 文件。
企业版 Exchange 提供了导出 NebulaGraph 数据专用的配置文件模板
,其中各配置项的说明参见 Exchange 配置。本示例使用的配置文件核心内容如下:- 导出到 CSV 文件:
# Use the command to submit the exchange job: # spark-submit \ # --master "spark://master_ip:7077" \ # --driver-memory=2G --executor-memory=30G \ # --total-executor-cores=60 --executor-cores=20 \ # --class com.vesoft.nebula.exchange.Exchange \ # nebula-exchange-3.0-SNAPSHOT.jar -c export_to_csv.conf { # Spark config spark: { app: { name: NebulaGraph Exchange } } # Nebula Graph config # if you export nebula data to csv, please ignore these nebula config nebula: { address:{ graph:[""] # the address of any of the meta services. # if your NebulaGraph server is in virtual network like k8s, please config the leader address of meta. meta:[""] } user: root pswd: nebula space: test # nebula client connection parameters connection { # socket connect & execute timeout, unit: millisecond timeout: 30000 } error: { # max number of failures, if the number of failures is bigger than max, then exit the application. max: 32 # failed data will be recorded in output path, format with ngql output: /tmp/errors } # use google's RateLimiter to limit the requests send to NebulaGraph rate: { # the stable throughput of RateLimiter limit: 1024 # Acquires a permit from RateLimiter, unit: MILLISECONDS # if it can't be obtained within the specified timeout, then give up the request. timeout: 1000 } } # Processing tags tags: [ { # you can ignore the tag name when export nebula data to csv name: tag-name-1 type: { source: nebula sink: csv } metaAddress:"" space:"test" label:"person" # config the fields you want to export from nebula fields: [nebula-field-0, nebula-field-1, nebula-field-2] noFields:false # default false, if true, just export id partition: 60 # config the path to save your csv file. if your file in not in hdfs, config "file:///path/ test.csv" path: "hdfs://ip:port/path/person" separator: "," header: true } ] # process edges edges: [ { # you can ignore the edge name when export nebula data to csv name: edge-name-1 type: { source: nebula sink: csv } metaAddress:"" space:"test" label:"friend" # config the fields you want to export from nebula fields: [nebula-field-0, nebula-field-1, nebula-field-2] noFields:false # default false, if true, just export id partition: 60 # config the path to save your csv file. if your file in not in hdfs, config "file:///path/ test.csv" path: "hdfs://ip:port/path/friend" separator: "," header: true } ] }
- 导出到另一个图空间:
# Use the command to submit the exchange job: # spark-submit \ # --master "spark://master_ip:7077" \ # --driver-memory=2G --executor-memory=30G \ # --total-executor-cores=60 --executor-cores=20 \ # --class com.vesoft.nebula.exchange.Exchange \ # nebula-exchange-3.0-SNAPSHOT.jar -c export_to_nebula.conf { # Spark config spark: { app: { name: NebulaGraph Exchange } } # Nebula Graph config, just config the sink nebula information nebula: { address:{ graph:[""] # the address of any of the meta services. # if your NebulaGraph server is in virtual network like k8s, please config the leader address of meta. meta:[""] } user: root pswd: nebula space: test # nebula client connection parameters connection { # socket connect & execute timeout, unit: millisecond timeout: 30000 } error: { # max number of failures, if the number of failures is bigger than max, then exit the application. max: 32 # failed data will be recorded in output path, format with ngql output: /tmp/errors } # use google's RateLimiter to limit the requests send to NebulaGraph rate: { # the stable throughput of RateLimiter limit: 1024 # Acquires a permit from RateLimiter, unit: MILLISECONDS # if it can't be obtained within the specified timeout, then give up the request. timeout: 1000 } } # Processing tags tags: [ { name: tag-name-1 type: { source: nebula sink: client } # data source nebula config metaAddress:"" space:"test" label:"person" # mapping the fields of the original NebulaGraph to the fields of the target NebulaGraph. fields: [source_nebula-field-0, source_nebula-field-1, source_nebula-field-2] nebula.fields: [target_nebula-field-0, target_nebula-field-1, target_nebula-field-2] limit:10000 vertex: _vertexId # must be `_vertexId` batch: 2000 partition: 60 } ] # process edges edges: [ { name: edge-name-1 type: { source: csv sink: client } # data source nebula config metaAddress:"" space:"test" label:"friend" fields: [source_nebula-field-0, source_nebula-field-1, source_nebula-field-2] nebula.fields: [target_nebula-field-0, target_nebula-field-1, target_nebula-field-2] limit:1000 source: _srcId # must be `_srcId` target: _dstId # must be `_dstId` ranking: source_nebula-field-2 batch: 2000 partition: 60 } ] }
使用如下命令导出 NebulaGraph 中的数据。
Driver 和 Executor 进程的相关参数可以根据自身配置灵活修改。
<spark_install_path>/bin/spark-submit --master "spark://<master_ip>:7077" \ --driver-memory=2G --executor-memory=30G \ --total-executor-cores=60 --executor-cores=20 \ --class com.vesoft.nebula.exchange.Exchange nebula-exchange-x.y.z.jar_path> \ -c <conf_file_path>
例如导出到 CSV 文件的示例命令如下。
$ ./spark-submit --master "spark://" \ --driver-memory=2G --executor-memory=30G \ --total-executor-cores=60 --executor-cores=20 \ --class com.vesoft.nebula.exchange.Exchange ~/exchange-ent/nebula-exchange-ent-3.4.0.jar \ -c ~/exchange-ent/export_to_csv.conf
导出到 CSV 文件:
查看目标路径下是否成功生成了 CSV 文件,并检查文件内容。
$ hadoop fs -ls /vertex/player Found 11 items -rw-r--r-- 3 nebula supergroup 0 2021-11-05 07:36 /vertex/player/_SUCCESS -rw-r--r-- 3 nebula supergroup 160 2021-11-05 07:36 /vertex/player/ part-00000-17293020-ba2e-4243-b834-34495c0536b3-c000.csv -rw-r--r-- 3 nebula supergroup 163 2021-11-05 07:36 /vertex/player/ part-00001-17293020-ba2e-4243-b834-34495c0536b3-c000.csv -rw-r--r-- 3 nebula supergroup 172 2021-11-05 07:36 /vertex/player/ part-00002-17293020-ba2e-4243-b834-34495c0536b3-c000.csv -rw-r--r-- 3 nebula supergroup 172 2021-11-05 07:36 /vertex/player/ part-00003-17293020-ba2e-4243-b834-34495c0536b3-c000.csv -rw-r--r-- 3 nebula supergroup 144 2021-11-05 07:36 /vertex/player/ part-00004-17293020-ba2e-4243-b834-34495c0536b3-c000.csv -rw-r--r-- 3 nebula supergroup 173 2021-11-05 07:36 /vertex/player/ part-00005-17293020-ba2e-4243-b834-34495c0536b3-c000.csv -rw-r--r-- 3 nebula supergroup 160 2021-11-05 07:36 /vertex/player/ part-00006-17293020-ba2e-4243-b834-34495c0536b3-c000.csv -rw-r--r-- 3 nebula supergroup 148 2021-11-05 07:36 /vertex/player/ part-00007-17293020-ba2e-4243-b834-34495c0536b3-c000.csv -rw-r--r-- 3 nebula supergroup 125 2021-11-05 07:36 /vertex/player/ part-00008-17293020-ba2e-4243-b834-34495c0536b3-c000.csv -rw-r--r-- 3 nebula supergroup 119 2021-11-05 07:36 /vertex/player/ part-00009-17293020-ba2e-4243-b834-34495c0536b3-c000.csv
August 7, 2023