

Nebula Graph 支持以下列表(List)函数。

函数 说明
keys(expr) 返回一个列表,包含字符串形式的点、边或映射的所有属性。
labels(vertex) 返回点的 Tag 列表。
nodes(path) 返回路径中所有点的列表。
range(start, end [, step]) 返回[start,end]范围内固定步长的列表,默认步长step为 1。
relationships(path) 返回路径中所有关系的列表。
reverse(list) 返回将原列表逆序排列的新列表。
tail(list) 返回不包含原列表第一个元素的新列表。
head(list) 返回列表的第一个元素。
last(list) 返回列表的最后一个元素。
coalesce(item0 [, item1, item2]) 返回多个参数中第一个非空元素。
reduce() 请参见 reduce 函数




nebula> WITH [NULL, 4923, 'abc', 521, 487] AS ids \
        RETURN reverse(ids), tail(ids), head(ids), last(ids), coalesce(ids[0], ids[1], ids[2]), head([x IN ids WHERE x IS NOT NULL | x]);
| reverse(ids)                      | tail(ids)               | head(ids) | last(ids) | coalesce(ids[0],ids[1],ids[2]) | head([__VAR_0 IN ids WHERE $__VAR_0 IS NOT NULL | $__VAR_0]) |
| [487, 521, "abc", 4923, __NULL__] | [4923, "abc", 521, 487] | __NULL__  | 487       | 4923                           | 4923                                                         |

nebula> MATCH (a:player)-[r]->() \
        WHERE id(a) == "player100" \
        RETURN labels(a),  keys(r);
| labels(a)  | keys(r)                    |
| ["player"] | ["end_year", "start_year"] |
| ["player"] | ["degree"]                 |
| ["player"] | ["degree"]                 |
nebula> MATCH p = (a:player)-[]->(b)-[]->(c:team) \
        WHERE a.player.name == "Tim Duncan" AND c.team.name == "Spurs" \
        RETURN nodes(p);
| nodes(p)                                                                                                                                      |
| [("player100" :player{age: 42, name: "Tim Duncan"}), ("player101" :player{age: 36, name: "Tony Parker"}), ("team204" :team{name: "Spurs"})]   |
| [("player100" :player{age: 42, name: "Tim Duncan"}), ("player125" :player{age: 41, name: "Manu Ginobili"}), ("team204" :team{name: "Spurs"})] |

nebula> MATCH p = (a:player)-[]->(b)-[]->(c:team) WHERE a.player.name == "Tim Duncan" AND c.team.name == "Spurs" RETURN relationships(p);
| relationships(p)                                                                                                            |
| [[:follow "player100"->"player101" @0 {degree: 95}], [:serve "player101"->"team204" @0 {end_year: 2018, start_year: 1999}]] |
| [[:follow "player100"->"player125" @0 {degree: 95}], [:serve "player125"->"team204" @0 {end_year: 2018, start_year: 2002}]] |

最后更新: March 7, 2023